
Repairing His Story: Abortion Stress Recovery for Men - Leader's Guide

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  • 9781938708091
  • 1938708091
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  • Chalfont House
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  • Rehab Mental Health Mental Health
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Repairing His Story: Abortion Stress Recovery for Men - Leader's Guide

Men need to know that they are not alone in their confusion, anger, and pain following involvement with an abortion experience. There have been more than 40 million abortions in America since 1973. If even just 10% of the men related to an abortion are in pain, then there may be more than 4 million men suffering in silence right now. That's roughly equivalent to the entire population of metropolitan Atlanta, Georgia. Or the combination of everybody living in Alaska plus everybody living in Connecticut. Or nearly everybody living in either Kentucky, Alabama, or South Carolina. You are not alone! You are courageous to seek healing. With this Bible study, you are about to begin the process of repairing and recovering. Your body is God's temple. Repairing damage to your spiritual and mental health is part of your responsibility as a "temple" owner. Like any home improvement project, this process may involve a little work, a little sweat, and a little pain. But it is worth it! Repairing His Story is a five-session Bible study for men related to an abortion experience. The study can be done individually, but we suggest a group setting for maximum benefit. Our experience shows that men often do not care to journal as much as women. Additionally, men are more often stuck in the anger stage of grief recovery. This Bible study was written from scratch, specifically for men, based on our multiple-year experience working with post-abortive men. Using the grief cycle as a structure and focusing on the names of God that reveal His character and desire to heal us, this Bible study examines denial, bargaining, anger, forgiveness, and resolution.

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