Most successful treatments for alcohol and substance abuse involve thinking about them as a form of addiction. This means that although the management of the drug or alcohol is an important part of treatment, the source of the addiction is in the drinker, not the drink. Alcoholics and drug addicts become addicted because of who they are; because the way their brain processes their feelings leads them to believe they cannot live without alcohol, or the drug of choice. Having said this, alcohol and drugs all have specific effects which, depending on frequency and quantity of use, will harm an individual, and this needs to be attended to as a priority.People with alcohol and drug problems are not weak-willed. Far from it. The ways in which we see alcoholics and addicts try to control their lives, always ending in failure or at least an interminable 'white-knuckle ride', hanging on for dear life not to drink or use, suggests the opposite. We believe that alcoholics and addicts are powerless over their addiction so it is not 'getting a grip' that will achieve results, it is a surrender to help. That's one of the reasons why we encourage people to try out 12-Step meetings - groups like Alcoholics or Narcotics Anonymous (AA/NA) believe the same thing. Sometimes people we meet will have tried these fellowships and rejected them, which is not a problem for now. The most important thing is to get someone into a therapeutic environment, sober and doing the work, and on their way to a happy and fulfilled life.