A Girl's Guide to Fitting in Fitness
Whether you’re the MVP of your basketball team, an occasional jogger, or a self-acknowledged couch potato, The Girl’s Guide to Fitting in Fitness has practical advice that you can really use. The book is organized just like a typical teenager’s school week, and shows how easy it is to wake up earlier and sharper (using yoga and relaxation techniques), eat healthier foods, and use the little in-between moments of your day—like the commute to school, or the time between classes—to incorporate a little bit of physical activity that will make a big difference. Additionally, the book includes:
- Sample workouts for the morning, the school day, and the summer and weekends
- Sidebars packed with special advice, information, and tips for healthier living
- Quotes from other teens about how they fit fitness in
- Illustrations for all of the workouts and advice
In this fun and practical guide, the writing duo behind FitBottomedGirls.com offers a real-world teen guide that’s sure to help even the most devoted TV-addict lead a fitter, healthier, and happier life—without the need for a gym or fancy exercise equipment.