
Dare to Not Die: A Pamphlet for Those who Consider Suicide

Author : Christy Oslund

  • Paperback
  • 9781497529540
  • 1497529549
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  • CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
  • CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
  • Suicide
  • Only $1.03

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Dare to Not Die: A Pamphlet for Those who Consider Suicide

Hope. Acknowledgement. Encouragement. When we live with suicidal thoughts sometimes what we need most in life is hope that life will not remain so painful; acknowledgement that we have already battled through much; encouragement that if we keep going eventually things will improve. As someone who has looked for these same things, I want to reach out to my fellow travelers on this rugged path. Don't give up! We need you. Your presence gives us all strength. If we lose you, then we will lose a piece of us and our own hope. Please don't give up - dare to not die. This small pamphlet is me reaching out to you - have hope, I know it is hard, it can get better. Recognize the survivor and warrior you have been to fight the darkness this long. Let us pledge to each other -- we will keep going.

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