
Diabetes Type 2: Complete Food Management Program

Author : Sherri Shafer

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  • 9780761532521
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Diabetes Type 2: Complete Food Management Program

Now You Can Keep Diabetes Under Control
It's simple: If you have type 2 diabetes, the only way to ward off serious symptoms is to keep your blood sugar within acceptable levels. So how can you do it? Through proper nutrition, the master key to controlling blood sugar. You need to understand which foods to eat, when to eat them, and in what amounts, and at the same time, establish regular exercise habits to optimize your health.
Inside is everthing you need to know about managing type 2 diabetes through proper nutrition. From how to handle the initial diagnosis to discussions on every major dietary component, you'll uncover the science behind treating diabetes the right way.
Inside, everything you need to know about nutrition and diabetes, including:
·How can exercise and weight management improve my blood sugar control?
·What can I do to lower my cholesterol and blood pressure?
·How can I lose weight and keep it off?
·Should I count carbohydrates?
·Can I eat sugar, and are artificial sweeteners safe?
·How much protein should I eat?
·Is it okay to consume alcohol?
·Do I need supplements?
·How can I read and understand food labels?
·What's the best way to treat low blood sugar?
"A timely and comprehensive roadmap to improving blood glucose control and reducing diabetes complications through simple modifications of diet and lifestyle."
Susan Carter, M.S., R.D., C.D.E., Stanford University Hospital
"An excellent book! Sherri Shafer draws on her extensive personal experience in nutritional management to make the dietary approach a very practical one. She doesn't emphasize the complete alteration of diet, but instead, how diet can be modified within the framework of an individual's personal preferences."
Raghu Mirmira, M.D., Ph.D., assistant professor, University of Virginia Diabetes Center

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