Faith And Fitness: Diet And Exercise For A Better World
Everything we need to sustain health and wellness has been provided for us through nature––since the beginning.
Today's health crisis is not the fault of the individual but is a manifestation of our community forgetting our blessings of real, whole, natural, foods, simple, life–giving fresh water and of course, exercise. Exercise is the magic pill, a fountain of youth, an antidepressant. The body is improved, in every way, by movement. By design, the body was intended to move, and move a lot. With this awareness we can see that our efforts made towards personal fitness can become a true spiritual discipline. When we learn to care for ourselves to better care for others, we simplify and intensify our quest towards personal fitness. This is the spiritual journey of Faith and Fitness.
"This hippie–preacher, who is more U–2's Bono than Billy Graham, says the real focus should be on eating the right amount of food ourselves and saving the excess for the millions dying of hunger" –– USA today
About the Author: Tom Hafer is Chaplain and Physical Therapist at the Village (The Gulf Coast Village) which has inspired this book. He is a Pastor of the Village Chapel, an ecumenical and intergenerational church where all denominations and religions are welcomed. Tom also travels and lectures on the topics of Faith and Fitness.