
Fitness Professionals' Guide to Musculoskeletal Anatomy and Human Movement

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  • Paperback
  • 9781585187065
  • 1585187062
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  • Book
  • Healthy Learning
  • Healthy Learning
  • Fitness Body Image
  • Only $22.00

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Fitness Professionals' Guide to Musculoskeletal Anatomy and Human Movement

Fitness Professional’s Guide to Musculoskeletal Anatomy and Human Movement is a revolution in the field of human movement. Comprehensive and meticulous, this ground-breaking text is ideal for college courses and a must for health and fitness experts, physical therapists, and related professionals. The book uses full color to isolate and illustrate every muscle in the body. And unlike 2-dimensional anatomy posters where such detail would be impossible, each muscle’s origin and insertion are shown in detail. Along with the illustrations, you’ll find a description of each muscle as well as information on its joint crossings, associated body actions, blood supply, and controlling nerves. Never has learning the muscles and their associated actions and details been easier or more straight-forward.

But the free CD-ROM included with each copy of the book is what really makes this resource unique. Developed specifically as a companion to this text, the intuitive and easy-to-use PC CD-ROM applies each of the muscles and body actions described in the book to nearly 300 specific exercises. Each exercise is shown in full-motion video and demonstrated in repeatable, correct form, with complete descriptions, step-by-step instructions, and a list of the body actions used to perform each exercise. By double-clicking on any of the 65 body actions, you’ll get a list of each muscle used in that action. Double-click on any of the muscles in the list, and you’ll be presented with detailed information about that muscle, complete with a full-color image of the muscle that you can magnify and isolate from the surrounding muscles. It even gives you an audio clip of the correct pronunciation!

Another feature of the CD allows you to view over 100 movement related activities, from a field hockey backhand to gardening to rowing a canoe, with corresponding body actions and the same double-click to live action footage and musculoskeletal detail provided for the 300 exercises. The uses of this feature are virtually limitless and can be applied to everything from occupational therapy to ergonomic engineering.

The CD also features five four- to seven-minute video lectures by Dr. Golding on muscle basics, anatomy, soreness, and strength.

And the CD even allows you to print sixteen different skeleton illustrations for use in muscle placement exercises. It also contains 20 multiple-choice quizzes on various nomenclatures, actions and attachments; these can be taken electronically and scored instantly or printed for use in classroom exercises.

CD-ROM System Requirements: The supplemental CD-ROM is for PC based Windows platforms only. System requirements include Windows 95 to Windows XP. It will not work on Windows NT3.51 or Windows NT4 with service Pack 4 or less (though upgrading your NT system may be done easily with free downloads from Microsoft on their website). Other software requirements that generally come pre-loaded with Windows are: Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC), Jet Database engine, QuickTime 4 video viewer application, and The Distributed Component Object Module (DCOM95). The program requires 235 MB of hard drive space, 64 MB or more of RAM, and a Pentium class processor of at least 133mhz.

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