
Take Charge: Fitness at the Edge of Science

Author : Clarence Bass

  • Paperback
  • 9780974768250
  • 0974768251
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  • 226
  • Book
  • Clarence Bass Ripped Enterprises
  • Clarence Bass Ripped Enterprises
  • Fitness
  • Only $25.95

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Take Charge: Fitness at the Edge of Science

Science keeps uncovering information that opens up exciting new paths to health and fitness and Clarence Bass writes about them. He keeps training, learning, and writing. TAKE CHARGE: Fitness at the Edge of Science, his tenth book, is a comprehensive examination of the latest findings: Strength, Endurance, Cognition, Aging, Health, Nutrition, Dieting, and Personality. Clarence explains what he does in each area and why and then helps each reader choose the way that suits him or her best. He shows how he uses the new information as a guide for his readers as they search for their own way to health and fitness.

The paths to success in fitness and health have never been more open and diverse, Bass writes. We can take charge in ways that suit us, ways that we enjoy and do best.

For example, there are many forms of resistance training that build strength and muscle. Some of them also build aerobic capacity. On the other hand, some forms of aerobic exercise also build strength. What is more, both strength training and aerobic exercise improve brain and other bodily functions. Another emerging area is diet dynamics, expanding our understanding of the idiosyncrasies of dieting and weight loss.

That barely scratches the surface of the wondrous opportunities opening up to people willing to take charge of their bodies and their lives.

The last chapter profiles six Take Charge People: the authors father, a truck driver, a high powered businessman, a divorced mother of two girls, a law professor, and a married couple from Australia who are setting indoor rowing records. We can benefit from their examples, Bass writes, not by emulating them, but by appreciating their uniqueness and drawing inspiration to find our own way.

In a Postscript, the author explains his training routine, in brief. He pinpoints what he believes to be its single most important element.

Help yourself live longer, stronger, and healthier TAKE CHARGE.

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