
The Suicide Hour: Why do people suicide?

Author : Ronald Frederick Madigan

  • Paperback
  • 9781456491888
  • 1456491881
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  • 222
  • Book
  • CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
  • CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
  • Suicide
  • Only $16.00

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The Suicide Hour: Why do people suicide?

The worlds gone crazy! The suicide rate is alarming! Have the psychiatrists got it wrong? Are the drug companies in cohesion with the medical fraternity to boost profits? This colourful auto-biography is a tell-all account of a man addicted to sex and valium. The book sweeps the reader with zest to exotic locations, in a determined struggle to discover that elusive pathway to happiness. Is suicide todays curse and tomorrows plague? Are children diagonosed with ADHD a future risk? A young bright woman, normally the life of the party was feeling depressed, and went on a series of appointments to a psychiatrist. The truth is, she needed a tune up. 'The results say you are bi-polar,' he said. 'What do you mean?' she asked anxiously. 'Well,' he answered, 'you will be on medication. It's incurable - you will have it your entire lifetime. But don't be too concerned, because many people have this diagnosis and do very well.' However the woman was concerned. She went home bewildered. How can she tell her friends she is mentally ill? She was heartbroken and forlorn with embarrassment. All hope was lost! Tragically that young woman jumped off a cliff. This self help book is packed with drama. The chapters engage the reader with truth, yet set the scene for a deathly ending. But is it possible for man to change? How can he after 15 years on valium? Well he can, but to do so he must go back to the beginning, back to the early days of infancy, when the spirit is set free . . or imprisoned.

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