Write For Life: Communicating Your Way Through Cancer
Each day, millions of people face traumatic change, when everything familiar feels challenged. What if they began writing about the experience? What if they took better control by communicating more effectively and expressing their feelings? What if their struggle becomes a source of inspiration? Twenty years of research indicates that expressive writing—dealing with one’s deepest thoughts and feelings—may contribute to improved physical and emotional health. Many cancer stories are uplifting while others are not easy to digest. But all are authentic and honest, and reflect the staggering reality of the cancer world. Open your heart. Give writing a chance. Personal expression can be a gift––for you, and everyone you know. Welcome to Write for Life. David Tabatsky’s energy, commitment and expertise have enabled cancer patients and survivors to process their experiences in a new and often healing way. —Hester Hill Schnipper, Program Manager, Oncology Social Work, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA