Why do we consider our program more effective than other Stop Smoking Laser methods on the market? We are not a "Zap and Go" center Part of our service is guidance and Support Eileen and Sheldon who operate the Anne Penman Laser Center in Las Vegas are both former smokers and understand both the addiction and the habit "We didn|t just learn this in some technical manual, we lived it" A reflection of the program|s level of success is that a large percentage of new clients come from personal recommendation (many from Doctors and Cardiologist as well) We offer Three Complete Laser Treatments and our follow up Laser Treatments are not so-called "boosters" They are full and complete treatments We are open 7 days a week and have a 24 hour help-line Your success is our success We opened our first Anne Penman Laser Therapy Center here in Las Vegas, Nevada in May of 2005 and they are now located throughout the world Did you know that Nevada ranks 4th among the states in the percentage of the population that smokes?When you call us, a certified Laser Therapy Technician, "Eileen or Sheldon" will answer all your questions, not the receptionist You will see why your care is the best Our Laser Therapy Program to Quit Smoking is also effective for cigar and pipe smokers, chewers, dippers, smokeless tobacco, dip, snuff, snus---$$$ CLICK HERE FOR DISCOUNT COUPONS $$$--- Open 7 Days a Week 702-682-8135 The Anne Penman Stop Smoking Treatment is the most advanced Laser Therapy for Smoking Cessation The Anne Penman Stop Smoking Program includes:Three complete Laser Treatments "not so-called "boosters"Guidance advice24 hour Back-up support ---$$$ CLICK HERE FOR DISCOUNT COUPONS $$$--- Anne Penman|s Background We treat former "Laser Concepts of Nevada" smokersThe Anne Penman Program was developed by Anne in 1992 Her center in Glasgow, Scotland was the first Laser Treatment Center to help smokers kick the habit She has successfully treated long-term smokers give up cigarettes permanently from all walks of life Anne and her husband Ron were both 60 a day smokers for +20 years and understand the difficulties to quit first hand Ron suffered a major heart attack when he was just 39 and was hospitalized for 12 weeks and resulted in a triple bypass This was the final wake up call for Anne and after trying all the methods available at that time, she discovered Laser Therapy for Nicotine We are happy to say Ron has been smoke-free ever sinceAnne quit her 60-cigarettes-a-day habit on the 19th of April 1991 She quickly developed a passion to help other smokers who felt as hopeless as she had and in 1991 began to research Laser Therapy She trained as a Laser Therapist Technician and began to research and develop her own program Over the past 21 years she has used her own personal experience and that of her clients to continually improve the content of her program All laser therapy technicians are trained and certified by Anne Penman Our Las Vegas Laser team will work hard to help you make your transition into a non-smoking lifestyle as trouble-free as possible We are committed to helping you stop smoking A reflection of the program|s high level of success is that a large percentage of new smokers come from referrals After your initial treatment you can be assured that you will leave feeling fully prepared to remain a non-smokerThe Laser Treatment Low Level Laser Therapy PainlessThe laser treatment involves the application of a cold, soft, non-invasive laser beam to specific energy points on the body This treatment is completely safe and painless This will help stimulate the release of endorphins, the body|s natural chemical, which deals with the relief of pain and stress Nicotine releases a high level of endorphins which give the smoker a sense of relaxation When smoking stops, the sudden drop in endorphin levels leads to withdrawal symptoms Laser Treatment helps reduce the craving, stress, and restores balanceNote: For those concerned about weight gain we will treat your appetite suppression points for no extra cost so that you won|t "eat the furniture"The Program Low Level Laser Therapy is Safe and Painless for Smoking Cessation and Weight Loss and Stress ReductionThe combination of our cold-laser therapy sessions coupled with on-call advice and support is a highly effective and proven method that has helped thousands of people safely break their addiction to nicotine Through tracking our success rate (And we do track it), we have found that after one year, clients have been up to 7 times higher in their success level than by other methods There are more than 50 million smokers and only a handful of solutions to help break their habit As everyone reacts differently to stopping smoking, our program is tailored to your individual needs This means that regardless of how many you have smoked and for how long, the program can help you achieve your goal We take the time with all our clients