Rehabs and doctors across America are failing in the treatment of addiction disorder (Read CASAcolumbia's results from a national five year study to understand why: see http://wwwcasacolumbiaorg/article "Closing the Gap Between Science & Practice" The research explains why our methods are failingand they clearly outline what science has demonstrated WORKS in the treatment of Addiction Disorder The answer is not rocket science--it is health science For generations people have been going to rehabs (often again and again,) to no avail The first week the patients sit in a room while the Counselors (recovering addicts and alcoholics) tell them that addiction is a disease What follows is a lot of talk about the 12-stepsnever again addressing or treating the disease of addiction! ADDICTION IS A DISEASE AND TO EFFECTIVELY TREAT IT YOU MUST TREAT THE BODY AND THE MIND Our program does just that Everyone is treated for 6-months following the protocols detailed by scientific evidence: you'll have an MD, acupuncturist, FAR-infrared therapy, psychopharmacology, nutritional supplements, gym membership, comprehensive psych therapies by professionalsand so much more--combined, holistic, and comprehensive care proven to work! We've got your back