Everyone is different This is why we offer different treatment approaches that are tailored to each individual We believe addiction is a symptom Our mission is to piece together the reasons that have led an individual to drug and/or alcohol abuse in order to find the solution and that is to heal and drop the addiction Our programs include evening adolescent outpatient and daytime adult outpatient services At Wellminded our philosophy is truly one that includes all aspects of a person - mind, body and spirit We begin with the mind, the biochemical function of the brain, and educate about the importance of pro-recovery nutrition Clients learn how important it is to learn natural ways to assist in healing the brain, allowing for improved sleep, reduced or eliminated cravings, decreased anxiety to name a few We include the family and require their participation in the program Addiction has detrimental impacts within families and is well recognized as a "family disease" 12-Step education, family therapy, individual therapy, neuronutrient therapy offered