
Alcoholics Anonymous Field Guide: Your First 30 Days: Simple Instructions For Success In AA

Author : Mike M

  • Paperback
  • 9781481183673
  • 1481183672
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  • Book
  • CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
  • CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
  • Mental Health Rehab
  • Only $9.95

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Alcoholics Anonymous Field Guide: Your First 30 Days: Simple Instructions For Success In AA

If you or your loved one is struggling with alcohol addiction, this easy to follow guide to Alcoholics Anonymous will save you years of struggle and pain. AA can be confusing and sometimes downright frustrating causing many to quit before they even get started. I was a heavy drinker for 30 years and had pretty much given up on living a sober life. With multiple DUIs, health problems, family problems and financial difficulties my life was a mess. I had tried to quit drinking many times with AA and even went through an expensive alcohol treatment center and still failed miserably like so many others. According to studies, Alcoholics Anonymous worked for many - but why didn't it work for me? And why did so many others fail? It wasn't until I discovered this simple, practical approach, that AA began to work for me. My life changed overnight. In this field guide, I reveal exactly what I did to achieve a successful recovery from alcohol using the AA program. I hope you find it just as life-changing as I did.

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