Category: Suicide Awareness
There is an organization in Russia called Blue Whale that seeks
Date : 18 May 2018
Created By : Jedhi_Blogger Read More
Author : Sara Swan Miller
At least 30,000 people kill themselves in the United States alone, most leaving behind shocked siblings. Yet, too often, the grief and bewilderment of surviving siblings is simply ignored, leaving the bereaved siblings feeling even more abandoned. The accounts of siblings' experiences in this book are based on interviews with more than thirty people from all over the United States, as well as the author's own experience of losing a sister to suicide. Just as sibling relationships are varied and complex, so the feelings and experiences of sibling suicide survivors run a long and complex gamut from deep grief, to anger, to guilt, to relief. Often these feelings are intermixed. The survivors are often bewildered by the complexity of their feelings, including reactions that may seem shameful or inappropriate. These moving accounts will help other sibling survivors of sibling suicide see that they are not alone. No matter what their feeilngs and reactions are, there are others who have shared them.
Category: Suicide Awareness
There is an organization in Russia called Blue Whale that seeks
Date : 18 May 2018
Created By : Jedhi_Blogger Read More
Category: Mental Health Suicide Awareness
When we lost Anthony Bourdain, we lost an icon.
An icon not just in the media - but a physical icon for love, honesty, creativity, and passion - all things wonderful.
His taking of his own life was a shock to many - and a wake-up call, to most, of how hidden some peo
Date : 19 May 2019
Created By : Zoe Baber Read More
Category: Suicide Awareness
So recently I had a friend who I learned was self harming himself daily. It had started a while back always repressing traumatizing things that had happened to him when he was younger. He never had many friends, I was one of his few friends. He had once told me he didn't believ
Date : 01 Aug 2017
Created By : Sisyphus Read More