
Anxiety: Anatomy and Cure (Gospel for Real Life)

Author : Robert W. Kellemen

Anxiety: Anatomy and Cure (Gospel for Real Life)

Worry, doubt, and fear get the best of us all sometimes, and often there is no way to get rid of them. Anxiety, like any other negative emotion, is a twisted version of something positive from God; since we live in a fallen world, we may never have full victory over it.

However, Bob Kellemen proves that we can have victory in our anxiety -- can learn how to use it when it strikes and avoid the temptation to sin. In this biblical study, he lays out a proper Christian view of anxiety, from creation to fall to redemption to consummation. Along the way, he helps us to apply the gospel to our daily lives and reclaim anxiety for what it should be -- vigilance to motivate us to do God's work.

The Gospel for Real Life booklet series by the Association of Biblical Counselors (ABC) applies the timeless hope of Christ to the unique struggles of modern believers.

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