
Beyond Betrayal: Taking Charge of Your Life after Boyhood Sexual Abuse

Author : Richard B. Gartner

  • Paperback
  • 9781630260361
  • 1630260363
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  • 258
  • Book
  • Wiley
  • Wiley
  • Child Abuse
  • Only $15.95

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Beyond Betrayal: Taking Charge of Your Life after Boyhood Sexual Abuse

With compassion and clarity, Richard Gartner shares insights from years of working with male survivors. Among this book's greatest strengths is the extensive use of examples from Dr. Gartner's clinical practice to illustrate problems and solutions on the path to healing. Beyond Betrayal offers support, encouragement, and useful skills to men in recovery.
--Mike Lew, M.Ed., author of Victims No Longer and Leaping upon the Mountains

""If you have been sexually abused, this book will give you information, hope, direction, and most importantly, the assurance that you are not alone. Dr. Gartner has written an accessible, compassionate book that clearly lays out the healing process for men who were hurt or abused as children. Whether you were abused by a mother, a camp counselor, a neighborhood boy, or a priest, Beyond Betrayal will give you the tools you need to reclaim your life and move on. If you're going to take one book with you on the healing journey, this should be the one.""
--Laura Davis, coauthor of The Courage to Heal and author of The Courage to Heal Workbook

""Compassionate, insightful, and hopeful, Beyond Betrayal shines a bright light. It is a must-read for anyone concerned.""
--Kenneth M. Adams, Ph.D., author of Silently Seduced

""Beyond Betrayal cuts through the shame, confusion, misunderstanding, and fear that so often accompany the abuse of males and replaces them with clear information. I will begin to use it immediately with my patients and think that other clinicians will do so as well.""
--Christine A. Courtois, Ph.D., author of Healing the Incest Wound and Recollections of Sexual Abuse

""Beyond Betrayal offers men straightforward words of hope and a meaningful way to overcome the invisibility, stigma, and shame they have endured. Many men and their families will find this book a healing aid.""
--Jack Drescher, M.D., author of Psychoanalytic Therapy and the Gay Man

""Dr. Gartner writes in a manner any reader will find accessible. Not only does he understand the topic of males, sexual abuse, and recovery, but he can explain it to those who need to know.""
--Dr. Mic Hunter, author of Abused Boys and editor of Adult Survivors of Sexual Abuse: Treatment Innovations

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