
Blindsided By Suicide

Author : Linda Kipley

  • Paperback
  • 9781622307371
  • 1622307372
  • 0
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  • 1
  • 124
  • Book
  • Xulon Press
  • Xulon Press
  • Suicide Mental Health
  • Only $12.49

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Blindsided By Suicide

Suicide is an ugly word! It is a tragic, sudden death that many are reluctant to discuss. However, for loved ones left holding the broken pieces of their heart, their life will never be the same. How does one reconcile God and suicide in the same breath? God, where were you? This book brings a message of hope and redemption for those who silently process this unexpected death. Linda Kipley reveals her journey after losing her mother to suicide. She describes the depth of pain and ashes this tragedy left behind. She reveals how over time God brought salvation, healing, and redemption to her and her family. Linda had a choice to make-- either to blame God, or to trust in His love and His goodness, even though she could not begin to understand what had just happened. You will cry and rejoice with her as you shadow her from one stepping-stone to another. The book points out that God yearns to fill our emptiness with His healing love, as we allow His son and His family of believers to minister to us. Blindsided by Suicide is a book that will touch your heart. Linda Kipley lives in Shippensburg, Pennsylvania with her husband. They have raised four children and enjoy visiting their six grandchildren spread throughout the country. Linda stays busy teaching Beth Moore Bible studies, as well as helping to coordinate ladies' events in her church. She speaks at seminars and uses her gift of encouragement to strengthen hurting ladies.

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