
From Surviving to Thriving: A Therapist's Guide to Stage II Recovery for Survivors of Childhood Abuse

Author : Mary Bratton

  • Paperback
  • 9780789002563
  • 0789002566
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  • 298
  • Book
  • Routledge
  • Routledge
  • Child Abuse
  • Only $47.27

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From Surviving to Thriving: A Therapist's Guide to Stage II Recovery for Survivors of Childhood Abuse

Become more effective in therapy when working with survivors of abuse!

From Surviving to Thriving: A Therapist’s Guide to Stage II Recovery for Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse is a comprehensive manual for treating survivors of childhood physical, sexual, and emotional abuse. Inspired by the author’s own private practice, it combines both theory and practice and supports the therapeutic partnership with a step-by-step outline of the healing process. This outline includes concrete and incremental strategies and exercises that help you move the survivor beyond Stage I trauma debriefing to life-changing Stage II recovery.

In From Surviving to Thriving, you’ll find everything you need to know about obtaining and maintaining autonomy and speeding recovery in the age of managed care. The self-contained, focused, and incremental interventions presented in this book can be woven into your own therapeutic style, giving you and your clients more freedom, satisfaction, and, most importantly, swift treatment and recovery. You’ll also find step-by-step guidance for dealing with adult survivors, including rationale for diagnosis, process, and sequence.

In addition to the description of theoretical orientations and illustrations, Surviving to Thriving contains:

  • an overview and detailed outline of the incremental recovery process
  • pitfalls and positive strategies for establishing the therapeutic relationship
  • detailed instructions for building a foundation for effective therapy by reframing the client’s self-concept
  • explanations of pathological symptoms in context of necessary and “brilliant” survival defenses
  • workable, specific, and sequential interventions for each stage of healing designed to become autonomous and self-generating for the client
  • techniques for trauma resolution using the survivor’s internal experience
Because it’s written in accessible language and includes explanations of clinical concepts, you’ll feel comfortable putting From Surviving to Thriving in the hands of select clients—a unique feature that sets it apart from most clinical texts. This book provides exercises to help move clients into the healing recovery of Stage II. Enhanced with art and writing from recovering survivors, this book is a valuable asset as you and your clients begin the collaborative journey toward renewed emotional well-being.

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