
Long Live the Suicide King

Author : Aaron Michael Ritchey

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  • 9780985564384
  • 0985564385
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  • Courtney Literary
  • Courtney Literary
  • Suicide Mental Health
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Long Live the Suicide King

Seventeen-year-old Jim JD Dillinger knows exactly how his miserable suburban life is going to play out. At least drugs added a little chaos to his life, but after almost losing his soul, JD knows he has to quit. Now clean, he figures he has another sixty years of plain old boring life followed by a nasty death. JD decides to pre-empt God by killing himself. However, once he decides to die, his life gets better, more interesting, and then downright strange. New friends. Possible romance. And donuts. Lots of donuts. Once the end is in sight, every minute becomes precious.

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