
Recovery Now: A Basic Text for Today

Author : Anonymous

Recovery Now: A Basic Text for Today

For decades people from all over the world have found freedom from addiction--be it to alcohol, other drugs, gambling, or overeating--using the Twelve-Step recovery program first set forth in the seminal book Alcoholics Anonymous. Although the core principles and practices of this invaluable guide hold strong today, addiction science and societal norms have changed dramatically since it was first published in 1939. Recovery Now combines the most current research with the timeless wisdom of Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, and other established Twelve-Step program guides to offer an accessible basic text written in today’s language for anyone recovering from addiction to alcohol and other drugs. Marvin D. Seppala, MD, offers a “doctor’s opinion” in the foreword to Recovery Now, outlining the medical advances in addiction treatment, and updating the Big Book’s concept of addiction as an allergy to reveal how it is actually a brain disease. Regardless of gender, sexual orientation, culture, age, or religious beliefs, this book can serve either as your guide for recovery, or as a companion and portal to the textbook of your chosen Twelve-Step Program.

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