
The Suicide

Author : Nikolai Erdman

  • Paperback
  • 9780573616280
  • 0573616280
  • 0
  • 0
  • 1
  • 96
  • Book
  • Samuel French, Inc.
  • Samuel French, Inc.
  • Suicide Mental Health
  • Only $9.95

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The Suicide

Full Length, Comedy

Characters: 9 male, 5 female, plus various minor roles, gypsies, and extras.

2 Interior Sets/2 Exterior Sets

A brilliant and penetrating satire about an unemployed man who contemplates suicide and is besieged by spokespeople of discontented groups, from butchers to intellectuals, who want him to turn his suicide into a gesture on their behalf. Erdman's genius was recognized by his contemporaries including Brecht, Stanislavsky and Meyerhold. The latter two competed to do The Suicide. Stalin gave permission to present the play only after Gorki pleaded with him, but it was not allowed to open following a year of rehearsal.

"A masterpiece.... Lights up the sky." Guardian, London

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