Know What Your Kids Are Watching

27 Sep, 21
If you don't program your mind, your mind will be programmed for you. Know what your kids are watching, monitor their social media accounts. Read More
Matt Thompson was a genuine, honest and caring person. I am so sad that this young person who i have the pleasure of calling a friend committed suicide. One of the best things about Matt was that he worked at an animal shelter giving all the animals that nobody wanted or cared for nothing but respect and love. While Matt battled his own demons, his actions and care for these animals is something i find so inspiring. My sister that committed suicide in 2010 always gave this unconditional love to animals as well- esepcially those at shelters. I think these acts of kindness and love for animals is such a beautiful and respectable act that shows although they suffer- they are at their best with a suffering animal because they offer nothing but love to them which always humaizes them instead of thinking about their last act as a suicide. To the Thompson family- you are wonderful people and the Memorial you held for Matt at the best was so special and beautiful i have no doubt that Matt was with you and its very obvious that you were wonderful parents <3
27 Sep, 21
If you don't program your mind, your mind will be programmed for you. Know what your kids are watching, monitor their social media accounts. Read More
26 Sep, 21
The overdose of casual drug users is becoming more and more of an epidemic. Stay away from hard drugs, not because they rot your brain but because right now the increase in fentanyl as a cutting agent is taking over and killing after a single.... Read More
04 Jun, 21
Check out this article! Read More
30 Jan, 20
Really big decision for those sick individuals that push others and literally encourage at risk persons to commit suicide. They should be held accountable and receive jail time which this decisions finally takes a srand on! Solidarity! Please post.... Read More
23 Oct, 18
Ciji K Founder, Dustin Pollack, working with youth at local high schools and starting the conversation that needs to be said: why is suicide the second leading cause for our youth in 2018? It’s time for change and it’s time for people to.... Read More
29 May, 18
Such awesome volunteers!!!! Read More
20 May, 18
So awesome to have local hgih schools joining our commitment to help others! We couldn't do this without the awesome support of local counselors that refer our Nonprofit for service hours!! Read More
08 May, 18
So thankful for having the best friends and family that have supported CIJIK since the beginning! It wouldn't be possible to have the success that we have had without these amazing people that give above and beyond every year! CIJIK thanks.... Read More