
Anger Management Workbook

Author : W. A. Angus

  • Paperback
  • 9780921883166
  • 0921883161
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  • Mental Health Behavioral Health
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Anger Management Workbook

The Anger Management Workbook is suitable for client's in individual or group therapy for anger management training. Or it can be used as a great self-help resource.

Dubbed a "spiritual-cognitive behavioral approach", the workbook integrates information from the spiritual 12-step therapeutic model and modern cognitive-behavioral and existential therapies. The importance of pro-social (as opposed to anti-social) attitude is taught. Gratitude, forgiveness and resolution of hatred are discussed. Effects of anger on relationships and personal health are identified. Relaxation techniques and information from the cognitive-behavioral therapies are taught.

A companion facilitator's guide is in production, which details the rationale for the approach, and provides information that might be used in conducting group Anger Management therapy using the workbook. The workbook has been field-tested for use in group anger-management training.

The focus in AMW is on identifying the spiritual and moral principles that are already enshrined in the participant's own conscience. Participants are encouraged to make behavior consistent with these spiritual principles – such as kindness, honesty, integrity, mercy, respect for self, others and society, and so forth.

The author presents the argument of Adler, that personal meaning is enhanced by a balanced life which includes investing effort in work, in building a good personal-life and family relationships, and in contributing positively to the society.

Viktor Frankl's position on the importance of personal choice in building meaning in life is also presented.

Various techniques and new ways of thinking are taught for making necessary behavior changes – including cognitive-behavioral therapy techniques and many others. The benefit to self-esteem of coming to behave in a manner that is consistent with one's own ideal of "how one ought to behave", is emphasized.

Anger is treated as a “gift” which has the function of providing the motivation and energy the participant needs for doing good work in all important areas of life. The participant is taught that no one can stop being angry entirely, but that everyone should however, commit to acting on anger responsibly.

Maladaptive-aggression is shown to be a perversion of the gift of anger that results in a negative contribution to life-satisfaction in the long run. Participants are encouraged to examine long-term consequences of instrumental-aggression and to eliminate use of manipulative behavior wherever possible. It is shown that relationship damage is a common side effect of getting what one wants by being manipulative.

Internally directed, externally directed, passive, and active, forms of aggression are examined. Self-hate, hate of others, and anger at the way the world is organized (anger at God), are all examined. Participants are encouraged to resolve hatred by forgiving.

A companion facilitator's guide which details the theory on which the AMW is based, is currently in production and is scheduled for release in September, 2001.

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