
Destroy Approach Anxiety: Effortlessly Approach Women Without Fear

Author : Charlie Valentino

Destroy Approach Anxiety: Effortlessly Approach Women Without Fear

Approach anxiety is something the vast majority of aspiring pick up artists suffer from when starting out trying to meet women in the street, cafe, university campus or anywhere else. If we can't get over approach anxiety, our first major stumbling block in the world of pick up then meeting, talking to women and taking them out on dates is not going to happen. It’s as simple as that!

Destroy Approach Anxiety covers this subject in depth so you’ll be able to overcome this irrational fear with ease, enabling you to quickly progress to approaching women without anxiety.

Discover the true reasons why we suffer from approach anxiety, it may surprise you. The author believes one of the reasons is the overloading of information in our heads in an attempt to gain perfection before we've even made our first approach. This is an impossible task but something that all too many guys attempt. We like to learn as much as possible about this subject; openers, inner game, talking to women, kino, closing and many other subjects before we’ve even made a single approach. Do you see the problem? How are you supposed to achieve perfection with no practice?

For this reason, the author emphasizes the importance of keeping pick up as simple as possible, especially when starting out. He gives numerous strategies for maintaining the perfect pick up, without overloading the head with too much dogma, which you can't possibly act on when under pressure approaching hot women.

Destroy Approach Anxiety should be the first PUA book you read as it will help you find approaching girls in the street as simple as possible by putting you in the right frame of mind. Only after overcoming the fear of approaching girls should you then try to progress to more advanced levels of seduction.

Charlie Valentino is the author of seven best selling dating books for men. This is the closest thing you’ll get to an approach anxiety cure.

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