They Show A Suicide but not Porn?
Category: Rehab Mental Health Overdose Suicide Awareness Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome Mental Health
Date: 01 Sep 2015
Created By : Life-Iz-GoodI was so sad to hear about the Virginia incident. I do not want to speak too much about the person who murdered other before he took his own life because i assume there is going to be quite a lot of information about his past that come about. I assume there are a lot of factors that would tie into this type of manic episode while killing innocent people to make a national point. I don't argue it was premeditated, i argue that the way in which is happened and the malicious and vindictive acts would somehow potentially be making a statement politically towards a higher power or relationship that is currently unknown. My hearts go out to the victims and their families who have now had their parents or loved one killed on national television. Live. They were only 24 years old and 27 years old. The man accused says "race" and his "homosexuality" were insulted. With that said: I am appalled and disgusted that the studio audience allowed a man to commit suicide on AIR. Oh, let alone is was an African American who claimed to be gay and then has a manifesto that declares racist remarks were made. I assume their can clearly be some type of dysfunction in his thoughts and anger that potentially could be self inflicted as well as self created. I would like to know more about if he received counseling or the types of medications in his blood with the autopsy. The exploitation of this is one of the political means to marginalized a group. I don't see them having problems censoring porn or extreme profanity when it happens and usually instantaneously take it off. Then again a lie suicide guarantees a million hits as the example shows. The newscater-FOX- apologies without any real empathy or maybe is was his botox that inhibited any emotion. More of a smirk if i had to be completely bias in evaluating the lack of expression in his face.This is complete and utter bull crap to attempt to say you had a system that was set tup to allow you to see 5 seconds into the future and then be able to pull away from the suicide if it were to take place. Talk about exploiting people for views while making millions of dollars of of advertising online. I guess thats what happens in a capitalistic society- the element of surprise regardless of how is demonstrates who and what we our a a society.