Heaven or Health?: A Doctor's Common Sense Plan to Save our Health & our Health Care System
Ask yourself what’s the most important thing in your life? Your answer should be “my life” because from your perspective, without life, nothing else much matters. In fact, when drafting the US Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson listed the word “life” first in the well known description of unalienable rights: “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”. Each year, instead of spending our dollars on things that we know will keep us healthy such as nutritious foods, exercise, and time off from work, we spend more of our dollars to fund health care conglomerates (private and government) so that they can control the “best” way to spend and ration these dollars for us (right down to a $65 medical office visit). In effect, by participating in the status quo, we’ve given away our unalienable right (to stay healthy) to self-interested third party payers. Look at the healthiest person you know – is this person healthy because he carries the most expensive health insurance plan or participates in a large, government guaranteed health care system? This book uncovers the flaws of the health care debate and shows the reader how to work within our current medical system to regain control over their individual health and well being.