
How Suicide Gave New Life: Stories of Suicide Survivors

Author : Jules Shermel

  • Paperback
  • 9781467962537
  • 1467962538
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  • 54
  • Book
  • CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
  • CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
  • Suicide Programs
  • Only $12.95

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How Suicide Gave New Life: Stories of Suicide Survivors

This book is not about suicide, not in the traditional sense. This book is not filled with the terrible stories of those who have died by suicide nor with the cries of loved ones left behind. Those are important stories, certainly. But the job of this unique book is to tell the stories of seven individuals, who tried to die by suicide, but lived. The reason is simple. The vast majority of those who attempt suicide do not succeed. Instead, they go on living. Some will have lifelong disabilities as a result of their attempts. Many will need medication and therapy. These seven got the help they so desperately needed, and now they’ve found a way to move beyond that terrible time. They have found new ways of living, new ways of valuing their own lives. You will see what these individuals were able to bring the world following their suicide attempts. You will see what the world would have lost had their attempts succeeded.

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