In a state of confusion: 0
Category: Mental Health Mental Health
I can't able to concentrate on anything, my professional and personal life is ruined, need a help.
Date : 07 Dec 2015
Created By : vinay Read More
Author : Jörg Kreienbrock
Why do humans get angry with objects? Why is it that a malfunctioning computer, a broken tool, or a fallen glass causes an outbreak of fury? How is it possible to speak of an inanimate object's recalcitrance, obstinacy, or even malice? When things assume a will of their own and seem to act out against human desires and wishes rather than disappear into automatic, unconscious functionality, the breakdown is experienced not as something neutral but affectively--as rage or as outbursts of laughter. Such emotions are always psychosocial: public, rhetorically performed, and therefore irreducible to a "private" feeling.
By investigating the minutest details of life among dysfunctional household items through the discourses of philosophy and science, as well as in literary works by Laurence Sterne, Jean Paul, Friedrich Theodor Vischer, and Heimito von Doderer, Kreienbrock reconsiders the modern bourgeois poetics that render things the way we know and suffer them.
Category: Mental Health Mental Health
I can't able to concentrate on anything, my professional and personal life is ruined, need a help.
Date : 07 Dec 2015
Created By : vinay Read More
Category: Mental Health
Anger management is training for temper control and is the skill of remaining calm. It has been described as deploying anger successfully. Anger management programs consider anger to be a motivation caused by an identifiable reason which can be logically analyzed and if suitable worked tow
Date : 20 Aug 2015
Created By : Sameer Ohri Read More
Category: Mental Health
When you hear the term “anger management”, what is the first thing that comes into your mind? Anger management classes are a unique process of learning on how to easily and quickly determine the signs that you are becoming angry and immediately jump into a solution. Anger management cl
Date : 26 Aug 2015
Created By : Yogesh Kumar Read More