
My Bright Shining Star: A Mother's True Story of Brilliance, Love and Suicide

Author : Rhonda Sellers Elkins

  • Paperback
  • 9781905399949
  • 1905399944
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  • 320
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  • Suicide
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My Bright Shining Star: A Mother's True Story of Brilliance, Love and Suicide

To everyone who knew her, Kaitlyn Elkins was a happy, intelligent, compassionate and extremely talented young medical student with a bright future ahead. However, behind her warm smile and string of impressive achievements lurked a dark secret - depression; something that she hid so well from all those who knew and loved her. This is the story about a mother's quest to find some answers as to how her daughter, who seemed so happy on the outside, could hide such a dark, horrible depression that ultimately led to her suicide. It is a story about her wonderful daughter's life, the lives she touched, the search for answers, the stigma of mental illness, the great love and deep bond they shared. The book also incorporates insightful experiences from other depression sufferers, contributions from Kaitlyn's friends and views from medical professionals. This heartrending memoir of love and loss also serves as a caution to parents, teachers, counselors and young people that depression can lurk among the high achieving, that they hide it expertly and, if not reported and treated, can lead to suicide. It is a warning to everyone.

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