
Not My Child: A Progressive and Proactive Approach for Healing Addicted Teenagers and Their Families

Author : Dr. Frank Lawlis Dr.

  • Hardcover
  • 9781401942090
  • 1401942091
  • 0
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  • 1
  • 240
  • Book
  • Hay House, Inc.
  • Hay House, Inc.
  • Mental Health Rehab Mental Health
  • Only $9.42

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Not My Child: A Progressive and Proactive Approach for Healing Addicted Teenagers and Their Families

     Not My Child is an insightful, compassionate, and encouraging guide for families dealing with an addicted teen or child at risk of becoming addicted to alcohol or drugs. Psychologist and rehabilitation specialist Dr. Frank Lawlis, chairman of the Dr. Phil advisory board and consultant and frequent guest on the television show, offers:
·         Expert advice on detecting and understanding teen addiction
·         Information from the latest neuroscience research on the impact addiction has on the teen brain
·         Guidance, based on years of clinical experience, on what parents can do to help their child deal with depression, obsessive cravings, and relationships damaged by the addiction

     This thoughtful and groundbreaking book details sound medical treatments, as well as alternative and spiritual methods for addressing a societal problem that has reached epidemic levels.

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