
Preventing Patient Suicide: Clinical Assessment and Management

Author : Robert I. Simon

  • Paperback
  • 9781585629343
  • 1585629340
  • 0
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  • 1
  • 235
  • Book
  • American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc.
  • American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc.
  • Suicide
  • Only $62.00

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Preventing Patient Suicide: Clinical Assessment and Management

Robert I. Simon, M.D., a preeminent psychiatrist and prolific author on the subject of law and psychiatry, offers a pragmatic and empathic guide for clinicians grappling with that most critical of questions: How can I protect my patients from themselves? Though even the most conscientious psychiatrist cannot prevent every suicide, suicide risk can be assessed, managed, and reduced. Dr. Simon acknowledges that the professional environment in which clinicians now practice is often inhospitable to the time-consuming task of understanding the patient; yet Know thy patient is his theme and imperative. Readers will benefit from the instructive case examples and commentary. Suicide risk assessment is a core competency that draws on both art and science. In Preventing Patient Suicide: Clinical Assessment and Management, Dr. Simon synthesizes his clinical experience, the shared clinical experiences of colleagues, and the evidence-based psychiatric literature to create an insightful guide which should be an essential component in any practicing psychiatrist s library.

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