
Suicide (Straight Talk About...(Crabtree))

Author : Rachel Eagen

  • Paperback
  • 9780778721383
  • 0778721388
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  • 48
  • Book
  • Crabtree Publishing Company
  • Crabtree Publishing Company
  • Suicide
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Suicide (Straight Talk About...(Crabtree))

Presents information about suicide, including why some people are driven to suicide, the warning signs that often precede a suicide or suicide attempt, ways of coping with suicidal thoughts, and ways of supporting a suicidal loved one.
Title: Suicide
Author: Eagen, Rachel
Publisher: Crabtree Pub Co
Publication Date: 2010/09/15
Number of Pages: 48
Binding Type: PAPERBACK
Library of Congress: 2010017139

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