
Suicide Survivors' Handbook - Expanded Edition

Author : Trudy Carlson

  • Paperback
  • 9780964244382
  • 0964244381
  • 0
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  • 1
  • 172
  • Book
  • Benline Press
  • Benline Press
  • Suicide Mental Health
  • Only $15.95

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Suicide Survivors' Handbook - Expanded Edition

Based on personal experience and extensive grief research, this practical compendium is filled with frank advice for fellow survivors. Dealing with the three major survivors issues (the question "Why?", anger over the event, and guilt) the book gives description of typical patterns in grief process and offers helpful steps to recovery. Chapters include dealing with others, handling holidays, and effects of death and tragedy on the family unit. Of special interest is a portion of one chapter devoted to grief issues of surviving children.

This is an expanded version of the Handbook which was originally published in 1995. The expanded Handbook contains additional information concerning resources for survivors.

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