
Teen Anger Workbook

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Teen Anger Workbook

One of the most difficult life skills teenagers need to learn is how to control anger. They will experience a wide variety of emotions and the more equipped they are to handle these emotions, the more successful they will be in school, friendships and family. Anger can be powerful and managing it can be challenging. The Teen Anger Workbook is designed to help teens engage in self-reflection, examine their thoughts and feelings that lead to feelings of anger, and learn effective tools and techniques for effectively managing feelings of anger. This book is unique in that it combines two powerful psychological tools for anger management: self-assessment and journaling. The Teen Anger Workbook contains five separate sections that will help the participants learn more about themselves as well as how anger impacts their lives. The five areas of study include: Anger triggers; Anger intensity; Anger expression; Anger consequences and Anger management.

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