
The Anxiety Cure for Kids: A Guide for Parents and Children (Second Edition)

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The Anxiety Cure for Kids: A Guide for Parents and Children (Second Edition)

The up-to-date, practical guide for helping your child deal with anxiety

Fear, worry, stomach pains, self-doubt—these are classic symptoms of anxiety in children. Using kid-friendly concepts and real-life examples, this reassuring guide helps adults and children understand the powerful ways in which anxiety works and how to overcome its negative effects. This revised edition includes all-new chapters on food phobia; the relationship between anxiety and other illnesses and problems such as ADHD, depression, and autism; and anxiety in teens.

The lessons in The Anxiety Cure for Kids have helped many children break free from anxiety. By making changes little by little, any child with anxiety can get well and stay well.

  • Provides up-to-date, practical guidance for helping both younger children and teenagers deal with anxiety issues
  • Shows how to recognize the symptoms of anxiety, evaluate a child's need for medication and/or therapy, assess the role of the family in anxiety disorders, and take concrete steps to find solutions
  • Explains how to communicate effectively with your child, help him or her confront fear, and boost your child's feelings of accomplishment and self-esteem
  • Addresses a range of anxiety disorders, such as food phobia and anxieties about terrorism, as well as the relationship between anxiety and other illnesses
  • Also includes advice that can be used by teachers, coaches, doctors, therapists, school nurses, and others who work with anxious kids

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