ANELISSE: A True Story of Child Abuse
Adriana Bellini
Adriana Bellini
Jeanie Wolfson
Andrew Solomon
Kathryn Pearson
Lori Lite
Marge Eaton..
Ray Ali
Jerry Wilde
Lori Lite
Edward L. Rowan
Dawn Huebner
Reid Wilson PhD
Lawrence J. Cohen
Cupcake Brown
Patrick J. Carnes..
Child abuse is defined by any intentional harm or mistreatment to a child under the age of 18. There are many forms of child abuse and some may take place at the same time as others. Types of child abuse include physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse and neglect. Unfortunately, child abuse is most often committed by someone the child knows and trusts. Mental health therapy is essential for children who have experienced any form of child abuse.