An overdose occurs when a toxic (poisonous) amount of a drug or medicine is taken. Substances that can cause harm when too much is taken include alcohol, prescription and over-the-counter medications, illegal drugs and some herbal remedies. An overdose is a medical emergency that requires immediate medical attention. Always call triple zero (000) if a drug overdose is known or suspected. A person’s tolerance to overdose varies with age, state of health, how the substance was consumed and other factors. The body often heals (with or without treatment). However, death is a risk in some cases. This may be instant or may follow more slowly if organs are permanently damaged. Treatment for overdose may be short term or may involve ongoing treatment (for example, in the case of self-harm or attempted suicide).
Category: Mental Health Overdose
Sometimes people who use drugs regularly misunderstand how much they1...
Category: Overdose
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),1...
Category: Rehab Overdose Suicide Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome Mental Health
I was so sad to hear about the Virginia incident. I do not want to1...
Category: Overdose
On January 17, 2021, Harry Brant sadly passed away due to an1...