
Managing Anxiety with CBT For Dummies

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Managing Anxiety with CBT For Dummies

Don't panic! Combat your worries and minimize anxiety with CBT!

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a hugely popular self-help technique, which teaches you to break free from destructive or negative behaviors and make positive changes to both your thoughts and your actions. This practical guide to managing anxiety with CBT will help you understand your anxiety, identify solutions to your problems, and maintain your gains and avoid relapse.

Managing Anxiety with CBT For Dummies is a practical guide to using CBT to face your fears and overcome anxiety and persistent, irrational worries. You'll discover how to put extreme thinking into perspective and challenge negative, anxiety-inducing thoughts with a range of effective CBT techniques to help you enjoy a calmer, happier life. * Helps you understand anxiety and how CBT can help * Guides you in making change and setting goals * Gives you tried-and-true CBT techniques to face your fears and keep a realistic perspective

Managing Anxiety with CBT For Dummies gives you the tools you need to overcome anxiety and expand your horizons for a healthy, balanced life.

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